Star House #3 - The Mullen Annex
The Mullen Annex, named in honor of Tom and Betty Mullen is located on the STAR 3 Wynn House property. This building, which sits adjacent to the beautiful backyard with its roses and fruit trees serves as an office and storage facility. Tom and Betty were two of the founding members of STAR. Always a visionary, Tom, together with his wife, Betty, and the other founding members, created the STAR organization at a time when options within the Intellectual and developmentally disabled community were severely limited and most individuals were simply institutionalized. Tom & Betty realized that “a one-size-fits-all” approach was not a viable strategy in dealing with such a diverse population. He and Betty worked tirelessly to ensure that institutionalization was not the only option for this community. Tom served as the first President of STAR. Tom passed away on February 24, 2016. However, his legacy lives on in the organization he and Betty were so instrumental in founding and that has flourished into homes and happiness for those who STAR proudly serves today.